Thursday 6 February 2020

Top 5 Benefits That Martial Arts Classes for Kids Provide

Martial arts has always had a fascinating mix of self-defense and body expressions. Legends such as Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan helped bring martial arts from the big screen to real life, popularizing it worldwide. While martial arts may seem like a sport for adults, many parents are choosing to enroll their kids in martial arts classes because martial arts are not just for self-defense; they come with many mental and physical benefits for those practicing it.

Getting a martial arts trainer is as easy as typing ‘martial arts studios near me' ,but parents who are skeptical of sending their kids for martial arts training should also know that martial arts is a lot more than just flashy punches and kicks. Here are top 5 benefits of martial arts classes for kids:

1.  Generating Focus and Calmness

Typically, kids have yet to develop the ability focusing. We can’t blame them; most kids are active and cannot just stay calm for extended periods of time. Training for martial arts helps them generate focus not only when practicing it, but also during everyday tasks and activities. Improved focus means improved calmness, helping them find their inner peace and keep their head cool.

2. Self-Discipline

Training for martial arts requires a great deal of self-discipline in order to master the moves. In fact, self-discipline is the very first thing kids learn, so they can put in their focus and intensity on training. It also helps them give a sense of responsibility and confidence. 

3. Self-Defense

Parents always want their kids to be safe and are often worried when kids are outside, alone and not in their field of view. But no matter how safe one may feel, it is better to have self-defense skills that can protect themselves from harm. Having the knowledge of martial arts means they can protect themselves and those around them from basic, non-threatening attacks. 

4. Coordination & Motor Skills

Training for martial arts helps improve coordination among kids. For example, constantly practicing their punches and kicks with an equally skilled opponent means they need to be constantly aware to hone in their reaction and hand-eye coordination skills. It also enhances their motor skills, allowing them to move around more freely and properly apply their strength.

5. Physical and Mental Fitness

One of the most important benefits of training for martial arts is that kids can greatly improve their physical and mental fitness. Physical fitness includes strong heart, toned muscles, efficient blood flow and regulation inside body, and proper exercise. Mental fitness includes increased confidence, better awareness of surroundings, efficiently handling tough situations, improved self-esteem and many more. 

Everything You Need to Know as a Parent before Signing Up Karate Classes for Your Kids

Many parents sign up their kids for karate classes so they can learn ‘self-defense’ and protect themselves from bullies and assailants. However, sending your kids to karate school to learn how to hurt others is never a valid reason. Karate has always been projected as a self-defense sport, but there is a lot more to it. Then there’s common misconception that karate and martial arts are interchangeable terms. While karate is a form of martial arts, martial arts is not limited to just karate; it encompasses many other fighting styles such as jiu-jitsu, taekwondo, Kung-Fu, Judo, Muay Thai, etc.

Not all martial arts schools teach these styles. Some teach only karate, some teach mixed martial arts that blends different martial arts styles into one, while other schools only teach advanced martial arts. Karate is often deemed as the perfect sport for a kid to get into martial arts because it is the easiest to learn, plus the intensity is not as much as other specialized martial arts. If you are planning to get your kid into a karate school, searching for ‘karate studio near me’ can bring up relevant karate schools near your home.
Prior to enrollment, you need to know some things before signing up your kid for karate. Here are some questions you need to ask yourself (and your kid) before signing them up for a karate class.

Do I Need Only Karate? Or Mixed Martial Arts?
The first question to ask is whether you want your kid to train in karate only. If your kid is under 10, then only karate would be the preferred option because the physical demands are not as great as other martial art styles. For example, Tai Chi requires a lot of patience, which most kids that age have yet to practice. Kung Fu requires one to be in the same posture for a long time, which kids in that age often cannot do. Brazilian jiu-jitsu requires split-second thinking and heavy memorization, which most kinds under 10 cannot commit to. This leaves only karate as the best possible option.

What Kind of Karate I Want My Kid to Learn?
Martial arts consists of two major types. One that specializes in self-defense, and one that focuses more on being able to attack. You need to figure out which kind of karate you want your kid to learn. Karate is its entirety is a wholly self-defense style sport, meaning if your kid learns only karate, then he/she will be only able to defend aggressively with minimal focus on attack. But if you want your kid to be prolific in attacking, they need to be trained in other styles too. For this, you require a martial arts school, not just a karate school that teaches nothing other than karate.

What Kind of School I Want?
The final question describes where you want your kid to be trained. Do you need a serious school that emphasizes discipline over everything, or a casual school that allows your kid to learn at their own pace? The outcomes will be slightly different, so it is important to do research before choosing the karate studio for your child. .